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Recipe : How to make a simple snack.

Suppose that you don’t have enough time to make a healthy food. But you need enough food so that you will be able to go to your office. Now, you can make a simple snack. Here are some tips for you.

1. Grapes and cheese

Grapes and cheese have many advantages for only two simple foods. First, you have to select fresh grapes and solid cheese of your choice. Then you slice the cheese and rinse the grapes and serve on a plate. You can take the cheese and grapes in two zips locked bags in order to take your snack on the go and then you're ready to go! Grape Pack punches major antioxidants as being full of minerals such as copper, selenium, while cheese contributes to your daily intake of calcium, essential for strong bones.

2. Peanut butter and celery

Yes, it's an excellent and kid-friendly snack. Celery sticks are easy to munch everything in being equipped with a large amount of dietary fiber. Protein snack of peanut butter combination in practice. It is easy to make in almost no time, peanut butter and celery to large doses of niacin and saturated fats and vitamin c, vitamin E, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. You may add raisins or dried cranberries on top for food and free flavors.

3. Grilled cheese with tomato

 First, you put the pot on the stove and turn the heat to medium. Cut the butter and let it melt in the pan. Take your bread, sprouted grains and slice on top of butter. Take a little of your favorite cheese, sliced or block and place it in the upper layers of bread. Take a slice of tomato and a piece of bread. Cover with another slice of bread and cheese more. Take the sandwich of the Commons; the other plate on butter top. Turn the cheese, grilled until toasted to another. When the bread is toasted on both sides, put on a plate and cut in half or leave whole. Grain sprouted is better than regular milled bread. The cheese will supply the necessary calcium and other benefits while the warm tomato gives vitamins A, E, antioxidants, and lycopene. It will make a combination punch to your daily dietary requirements.

4. Pan Cooked Kale with Garlic & Lime

The health benefits of kale and excellent taste in this dish faster than green paired with a few other stars shine. First, you heat a pan and add a small amount of butter or olive oil. Wash and chop turnip and throw it in the pan. Add the chopped garlic and cook the Kale until bright green. Throw everything in a bowl, squeeze a lemon on it and sprinkle sea salt or Himalayan salt, pink natural minerals. Kale is an excellent food, including more than 100% of the daily intake of vitamin c as vitamin A and C, manganese, copper, fiber, calcium and vitamin B6, but also significantly reduce the risk of some types of cancer.

5. Cucumber, Carrots, and Broccoli with Greek Yogurt Dip

You have to wash and cut your favorite vegetable sticks even a pair with Greek yogurt dip do it yourself. It can be exchanged for vegetables or added to with zucchini, squash, mushrooms or tomatoes. Mix 1/2 cup of Greek yogurt with 1/2 tsp teaspoon garlic powder, cilantro, 1/2 tsp. Dry, two tablespoons of chopped fresh dill. A plate of vegetables and pair with a little snack that is high in fiber, minerals, vitamins and antioxidants yours!